"I'll post that entry in just a moment....""I can answer that meme! I'll just be a moment...""I'll only visit for just a moment...""Wait, I just need a moment at that yarn shop..."So, the last week or so has been a series of "moments." Some have never quite made it (posting), some were extended long past their original lifetime (shopping) and some were just out of my control (ezMess).
Where have I been the last week? So glad you asked.....
June 1-3rd I was outside of Los Angeles, California on a business trip. I visited the beautiful cities of Burbank (ok, just the airport there), Arcadia (that's where the hotel was), Rosemead (the offices I was visiting) and Irwindale (the location of the User Group conference I attended).
Work-wise, it was a great trip. I was travelling with a co-worker and my current boss (former boss's boss....who has taken our group on temporarily). Both are just great people and I can't imagine anyone better to have spent that time with. I spent three days in one meeting after another, but I got something useful out of every single one (not something I can say when my schedule looks like that at my home office LOL)
As you can imagine, there wasn't much time for sight-seeing. The highlight? I drove past Santa Anita Racetrack and while I had hoped to get a few minutes to find Seabiscuit's statue, it didn't happen :( Maybe next time....
Ok, that's the sum of the California trip, but there was a "moment" on the Tuesday before I left. In fact, I'd say it was a
Yarn Harlot worthy moment ;) On Memorial Day I had the great notion of finding a simple sock pattern to take on my trip. I found one online that was just the ticket:
Sock Lessons. Of course, this called for needles *and* yarn I didn't have handy. The solution? Why a trip to the LN/YS on Tuesday at lunchtime, of course! Now, I knew there selection was somewhat limited in the needle and "normal" yarn area, so I checked good old DexOnline for any other shops within lunch hour distance. I found one a bit closer, but in the same direction....perfect!
Off I went. I looked for the new shop, but missed it on the way to my usual LN/YS. As suspected, they had neither the called for yarn or needles, but in the interest of flexibility, I did get a set of needles one size down. For this exercise, if I only knit one sock that didn't fit anyone in the family, it wouldn't be a total loss. As I was making tentative plans to stop at Michael's on the way home for suitable yarn, I spotted the new shop on the right side of the road
just as I drove past! Do I go back? Do I press on and continue with my Michael's plan? What would Stephanie (aka Yarn Harlot) do?
I made a U-Turn.....
It was a good decision. The shop actually supports both needlepoint and yarn and I found the perfect ball of purple acrylic/wool blend for my sock lesson. They were also out of the #6 DPN but I'd already resigned myself to use #5s. *Very* nice ladies in the shop, too. I'll be back ;)
After packing that night, I cast on for the sock and carefully packed it in my carryon bag after calling the airline to confirm that wooden knitting needles were acceptable in the cabin (as long as you've got yarn, you're good on Southwest). I admit, I didn't get much knitting done while in CA, but I did finish the sock a couple nights ago here at home. May I present my first completed Sock....

I tell you, I couldn't be more proud! And the best part? IT FITS! (well, it fits DD as she is the intended recipient). I'm about 2/3 down to the heel on Sock II.
Meanwhile my sock yarn is stacking up as I've received my
Angel Yarns order and still have
Knitpicks yarn waiting as well. Not to mention the laceweight I won on ebay today....but that's destined for my Pi Shawl....
Stitching? Uh yeah...well....another confession. With all the stress lately, I haven't picked up my stitching for a couple weeks now, preferring larger needles and no scissors to a frog infestation. However, I'm happy to report that things are calming down and I no longer expect a new disaster to strike at any moment. Ezboard, not withstanding. That I have no control over....
I have been reading, as the drastic changes over on the sidebar might suggest. I finished one Nora Roberts (Face the Fire - very good), the Agatha Christie (Cards on the Table) and the re-read of the Black Jewels Trilogy (Nicki, you are in for a treat with those! I'm so glad you picked them up!)
Tomorrow's Friday Forum doesn't appeal, so I'm hoping top find some time to catch up on the Stitching Blogger's Questions and Booking Thru Thursday....
I just need a moment.....